Friday 8 June 2012

Short Visit

Last Friday, my brother, Andre , stopped by Melbourne and so we went out for the whole day since i havent seen him since January.I started off the day by seeing him at the hotel he was staying at , and I had trouble finding it as the hotel had an entrance that was kinda like this.

It was so hidden till i couldnt find it and i actually walked past the hotel twice still not noticing it.Then I finally found his hotel with the help of my trusty iPhone!as my brother was still sleeping..but now i know a major landmark that i refer to next time he comes back to visit again which is this! 

There's like a huge Tiffany&Co just opposite his hotel and he couldn't tell me that..So after i found his hotel and waited for like half-an hour at the hotel lobby reading some magazines and constantly calling his room number waking him up and rushing him down because I was super hungry and i have thing where  

So he finally woke up,and showered and all that so we went down to eat breakfast at Hungry Jacks which is Burger King in a way.When we were there something embarrassing & funny occurred.It started off when we already bought our food and found a place to sit and we were already eating away our burgers(which had bacon in it <3 Australia ;P) and then my brother told me I can have his fried if i wanted to,as i finished mine cause i eat fries first before my burger!So then I was like okay!Then before i ate my burger,I had to take out the pickles out of it because pickles are just downright disgusting lets be honest.After taking them out my hand was covered with the sauce and pickle juice and we did not have any soviets on the table so i decided to go get some.After getting the soviets I sat down and then grab my burger.Before grabbing my burger I noticed it was wrapped up again and i thought my brother wrapped it back for me to make it warmer?god knows,then finally after so long i bite down on my first breakfast of the day,taking my first bite in a hurry like i havent eaten my whole life!I had that omg-jizz-burger-cheese-onion-mustard-tomato-bacon-beef feeling on my tastebuds then out of nowhere i felt pickle and it automatically cancelled out ALL THE HEAVENLY BURGER FEELINGS :( and I was like what the hell i thought and am sure that i took all the pickles out,all freaking 3 pickles(yes thats the amount of pickles they usually put on burgers at fast-food places,coursemates working there told me)and then as i started to pick them out again i started to hear someone saying "Adriel..Adriel".On that day i wasnt wearing my contact lenses and usually when I dont wear them i get really disorientated in the mornings.So I ignored the calls even didnt bother looking up because i was still trying to think how the pickles managed to go back in my burger then i heard someone snickering..right in front of me,and I was gonna ask my brother what was so funny then when i looked up,It wasnt my brother.It was a guy and my brother was beside the guys table that i took a bite off his burger(which was his friends burger who went to the toilet).My brother was beside the table laughing though it was more like trying to control his laughter but I could see he couldnt and the guy in front of me just burst out laughing.And I felt embarrassed and so very ashamed of myself.I apologize bought the guy another burger apologize again and again and again but the guy just kept laughing and gave the i-cant-believe-he did-that-look-but-damn-was-it-funny look and my brother as well.That was so damn embarrassing that even i laughed cause i couldnt believe what i did :)

So after having a good breakfast with plenty of laughs,We then headed for shopping as there was a sale happening cause winter had just arrived.We headed to Melbourne Central,my favourite place to shop because everything IS THERE.well everything that i want & need is haha,bought some shirts and saw some SUPRA shoes!SUPRA shoes are so cool,totally saving up for them.Also went inside ripcurl to enquire on the price of the bodyboards and wetsuits cause i'm really interested in that now!After that we had lunch at Melbourne Central food court and I got myself a Spaghetti Carbonara with bacon,mushrooms,herbs and loads of cheeeeeseeeeee :)

After that we walked around,my brother bought some shirts as well and then we went into a baby departmental store to buy my sister's baby girl a shoe and shirt as a "Welcome to the world baby Alissa gift" :) really cant wait to see her when my sister gives birth this monthhh!:) so excited.
After that we went to the DFO store near the casino to do more shopping but all the clothes there did no have my size at all.I saw some nice superdry shirts but all the sizes were like XL XXL which i cant wear at all.We had tea there as well..well more like hot chocolate drink

Very nice hot chocolate drink for the cold day,but still nothing can beat max brenner's hot chocolate drink :)

My brother 24/7 whatsapping his girlfriend,while i was busy taking picture of my hot chocolate drink #foreveralone :p

After that we went back to the hotel where i chilled for awhile after a tiring day and my brother brought me some instant noodles that Australia doesnt have!The maggi mee xtra pedas and milo,yes milo,Australia has milo but it is different,very different from the ones from Malaysia.After chilling for 2 hours I had to leave as my brothers was leaving at 9 so had to go home but i really did enjoyed my day with my brother who i missed and is the first family member i saw after a long time in Melbourne so it was a good day!:)

That's all for now and I'll be back soon,I swear this aint gonna be like wordpress :p 


  1. pls ah update more often k I am an avid fan of yours ! LOL. DAMN FUNNY LA YOU BO LANG SIMPLY EAT OTHER PPL'S BURGERS ONE LA HAHAHAHAHAHA
