Saturday 16 June 2012

Happy Father's Day!

                                                          HAPPY FATHER's Day!

There are a lot of people that inspire me but my dad would always be my biggest inspiration in life. To my dad and mum,family is very important,nothing in the world should come first then family,and that mentality has been fixed into my brother,sisters and my own brain. I actually still do remember some of the things he taught me in life,one of them is riding a bicycle.We used to cycle a lot around the housing areas and he also taught me to swim and every weekend we would go to Penang Swimming Club for a swim and he'd always sneak me to the beach cause my dad loves the beach like me,but my mum hates it and last time wouldnt allow me to swim there cause she was afraid i may drown there..mums.

After that he taught me how to use Microsoft Office and then as time flies by he taught me to write a resume..his style.His style was short,informative and good-enough-to-get-you-a-job kind of way very straightforward style,pretty old school actually,and so far i managed to get 3 jobs with that resume!So thanks dad! :D 

My dad also always ask my siblings and I to do something so that at the end of the day we'd be able to learn something out of it. Like after SPM ,all of us were told by my dad to get a job after SPM ,my brother and sisters worked together as they were mostly same age while I worked alone.My first job was at Ingolf Kneife Restaurant.I learnt from that job that money doesnt come easy and we should value our money very much and that we should spend money on "things we need not want".

Another thing he taught us was when we went for a trip to Cambodia & Burma.I'll be honest I enjoyed Cambodia but really didn't like Burma.It was too dirty and I really have problem with dirty places.But one thing that I enjoy about the end-year trips that my parents always organised like to Australia as well is that we travel in a family since my brother and sisters are not in Penang and I'm always alone,I like it when we all get together..One big family reunion and during the trips to cambodia and burma,I learnt that I should be grateful for the life I have and should not complain because the people in Burma could live with no TV,Internet,a proper bathroom,cellphones,and all those other stuff that we all have and would complain if we did not have it.Because at the end of the day they are happy that they have each other and they live their life with no worries and burden even as their country is being controlled by the junta.It truly was an eye-opening experience for my whole family and I thank my dad for that lesson and i'll never forget at the end of our trip when we were all having dinner for the last time before we all part again for a respective home destination he said "Whatever you all saw here,remember and then apply it to your life and if you want to complain about your life next time,you should think twice first."

Thank you dad for the lessons and I hope you'll still continue teaching me cause i'm still very new in this part of my "adulthood" life but I know I can always come to you to get all my questions answered :) Again Happy Father's Day and I hope you have a great day with mum! I'll see you all soon! 



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