Monday 18 June 2012

Bestfriends /Brothers!

As time is flying by so fast especially this year , well for me , I start to reflect back on my childhood. All of my friends that I knew in primary and secondary are still my friends and we are much closer I guess than before and I am grateful for that but I have lost contact with some others as well. I do miss those times playing "football" in school where the ball was made out of newspaper squashed together and then taped over in a shape of a "football" or using bottle caps as the ball and just playing behind the class.

I also miss the times where we would go to my place and have a sleepover where we'd play FIFA and bury ourselves with junk food and some alcohol. I remember when Jeong Mark tried to spike Matthew's water with vodka and he actually drank it and felt like vomiting HAHA .Or when Jeong Mark broke one of my dad's glass duck and went to the 7/11 store on his bike(as we couldnt drive that time) and bought superglue to glue it back but my maids told my mum he broke it anyways haha. Or when he spilled alcohol all over my carpet and kept trying to dry it and then spraying perfume so that my parents wont know he spilled alcohol on the carpet lol. A sleepover isn't a sleepover without Jeong Mark that I must agree :')

I also miss those times where we'd all go to Gurney Plaza just to hang out and watch movies till there was a few times we watched all the movies till there weren't any movies left for us to watch. And ALWAYS when Joshua,Timothy,Jeong Mark,Soon Seng and me all reach Gurney we'd all just stand there in front of GSC cinemas looking at each other thinking "so,what should we do" and always we'd reply "anything" "up to you" "i'm fine with anything" or "Let's go somewhere cheap and do something cheap"-Jeong Mark's words of wisdom :p . We also usually go to the arcade for some daytona racing and tennis!Where I ALWAYS BEAT CHIEN LEE & JEONG MARK in tennis :) . I'll never forget how Timothy saw a girl walking past by and just shouted "ADRIEL YOUR TYPE!" dafuq HAHA that was totally random. We always like to "suan" each other as well and sometimes make fun of other people who talk as though they're from America!:p

And Joshua would always be the awesomest friend / brother would fetch us all to gurney or club or both and back!Screw you Timothy! You still havent fetch me yet! Even I stay in tg.bungah he'd fetch me :') so bromance man, but I think now he won't already :( . Also going to Jeong Mark's place is always good where I smash him in FIFA in his own hometurf repeatedly and watching him react to the defeat is always entertaining to watch :) I remember when Dennis,Eam Ming & I were at Jeong Mark's house when he was having class I think but we went his house key and we wanted to play FIFA but his dogs were set free in house and so we couldnt go in cause one of his dog was a freaking spawn of the devil which we called "demon dog".First off we didnt know the dogs were loose in the house so we opened the main door to see the demon dog charging at us so we all ran into dennis's car and shut the door and after awhile the dog went back in the house.So after i think 30 minutes siting in the car we made a plan to distract the dogs to the kitchen and then asking eam ming to close the kitchen door locking them in.The plan actually worked but while dennis and I were distracting the dogs in the kitchen the demon dog actually spun around and was gonna head out of the kitchen but Eam Ming was fast enough to close the door..really smart ass dog but we had a good laugh about that anyways.

I also really miss playing tennis and ping pong with Chien Lee and also playing football in that small little playground with Ali and Ming Han after tuition classes every weekend. Those were very good times and there are plenty more of memories & things that I have shared and gone through with my friends.Most people have 1 or 2 or maybe at most 4 best friends but I really can say I have more than 5 best friends and I am truly happy and grateful as well that we still are close even though we are all currently in different countries pursuing our own goals and ambitions.Even when i'm in Melbourne I pretty much know whats going on in Penang because of them and it's like I never left :) I hope we'd be able to remain this close till we grow old and all that because you guys truly are the best friends anyone could ever ask for!

I truly believe in this quote :

Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest... It's about who came, and never left your side.


PS: we need to take more pictures for memories!and I HAVE NO PHOTOS WITH CHIEN LEE o0o beh cham.

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