Wednesday 20 June 2012

Dark Knight Rises

                                                                   CANT WAIT D:

Monday 18 June 2012

Bestfriends /Brothers!

As time is flying by so fast especially this year , well for me , I start to reflect back on my childhood. All of my friends that I knew in primary and secondary are still my friends and we are much closer I guess than before and I am grateful for that but I have lost contact with some others as well. I do miss those times playing "football" in school where the ball was made out of newspaper squashed together and then taped over in a shape of a "football" or using bottle caps as the ball and just playing behind the class.

I also miss the times where we would go to my place and have a sleepover where we'd play FIFA and bury ourselves with junk food and some alcohol. I remember when Jeong Mark tried to spike Matthew's water with vodka and he actually drank it and felt like vomiting HAHA .Or when Jeong Mark broke one of my dad's glass duck and went to the 7/11 store on his bike(as we couldnt drive that time) and bought superglue to glue it back but my maids told my mum he broke it anyways haha. Or when he spilled alcohol all over my carpet and kept trying to dry it and then spraying perfume so that my parents wont know he spilled alcohol on the carpet lol. A sleepover isn't a sleepover without Jeong Mark that I must agree :')

I also miss those times where we'd all go to Gurney Plaza just to hang out and watch movies till there was a few times we watched all the movies till there weren't any movies left for us to watch. And ALWAYS when Joshua,Timothy,Jeong Mark,Soon Seng and me all reach Gurney we'd all just stand there in front of GSC cinemas looking at each other thinking "so,what should we do" and always we'd reply "anything" "up to you" "i'm fine with anything" or "Let's go somewhere cheap and do something cheap"-Jeong Mark's words of wisdom :p . We also usually go to the arcade for some daytona racing and tennis!Where I ALWAYS BEAT CHIEN LEE & JEONG MARK in tennis :) . I'll never forget how Timothy saw a girl walking past by and just shouted "ADRIEL YOUR TYPE!" dafuq HAHA that was totally random. We always like to "suan" each other as well and sometimes make fun of other people who talk as though they're from America!:p

And Joshua would always be the awesomest friend / brother would fetch us all to gurney or club or both and back!Screw you Timothy! You still havent fetch me yet! Even I stay in tg.bungah he'd fetch me :') so bromance man, but I think now he won't already :( . Also going to Jeong Mark's place is always good where I smash him in FIFA in his own hometurf repeatedly and watching him react to the defeat is always entertaining to watch :) I remember when Dennis,Eam Ming & I were at Jeong Mark's house when he was having class I think but we went his house key and we wanted to play FIFA but his dogs were set free in house and so we couldnt go in cause one of his dog was a freaking spawn of the devil which we called "demon dog".First off we didnt know the dogs were loose in the house so we opened the main door to see the demon dog charging at us so we all ran into dennis's car and shut the door and after awhile the dog went back in the house.So after i think 30 minutes siting in the car we made a plan to distract the dogs to the kitchen and then asking eam ming to close the kitchen door locking them in.The plan actually worked but while dennis and I were distracting the dogs in the kitchen the demon dog actually spun around and was gonna head out of the kitchen but Eam Ming was fast enough to close the door..really smart ass dog but we had a good laugh about that anyways.

I also really miss playing tennis and ping pong with Chien Lee and also playing football in that small little playground with Ali and Ming Han after tuition classes every weekend. Those were very good times and there are plenty more of memories & things that I have shared and gone through with my friends.Most people have 1 or 2 or maybe at most 4 best friends but I really can say I have more than 5 best friends and I am truly happy and grateful as well that we still are close even though we are all currently in different countries pursuing our own goals and ambitions.Even when i'm in Melbourne I pretty much know whats going on in Penang because of them and it's like I never left :) I hope we'd be able to remain this close till we grow old and all that because you guys truly are the best friends anyone could ever ask for!

I truly believe in this quote :

Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest... It's about who came, and never left your side.


PS: we need to take more pictures for memories!and I HAVE NO PHOTOS WITH CHIEN LEE o0o beh cham.

Sunday 17 June 2012


I love this quote:


When you are exasperated by interruptions, try to remember that their very
frequency may indicate the value of your life. Only people who are full
of help and strength are burdened by other persons' needs. The
interruptions which we chafe at are the credentials of our
indispensability. The greatest condemnation that anybody could incur -
and it is a danger to guard against - is to be so independent, so
unhelpful, that nobody ever interrupts us, and we are left comfortably alone.


Stacking the pounds!

I've been eating double portions lately because I've been super hungry , I guess it's because of winter and I gained some weight as well which is an awesome thing for me! So I'm hoping I can keep this feeling! :D had this for dinner just now

After finishing all of them and walking back to my house I seriously was so full to the point when I burped the food was coming back out from my stomach to my mouth haha it was an uncomfortable feeling yet I' happy and super satisfied and FULL haha.

Before I sleep because usually eating so much makes me super sleepy and very in the mood to sleep,I would like to share this video.I've watched a lot of dance crews choreography and to me these guys are one of the best especially how they used their creativity at the end of the video..I was seriously #mindblown so do take some time off to watch it ! Seriously best 7 minutes of my life was spent watching that video !:)

Welcome to the world & family

Hello,Alyssa Siena Lai,my beautiful & cute niece!Congratulations to my sis and my brother-in-law!Both who are now parents!and to my mum and dad who are upgraded to grandparents status!:)

Saturday 16 June 2012

Happy Father's Day!

                                                          HAPPY FATHER's Day!

There are a lot of people that inspire me but my dad would always be my biggest inspiration in life. To my dad and mum,family is very important,nothing in the world should come first then family,and that mentality has been fixed into my brother,sisters and my own brain. I actually still do remember some of the things he taught me in life,one of them is riding a bicycle.We used to cycle a lot around the housing areas and he also taught me to swim and every weekend we would go to Penang Swimming Club for a swim and he'd always sneak me to the beach cause my dad loves the beach like me,but my mum hates it and last time wouldnt allow me to swim there cause she was afraid i may drown there..mums.

After that he taught me how to use Microsoft Office and then as time flies by he taught me to write a resume..his style.His style was short,informative and good-enough-to-get-you-a-job kind of way very straightforward style,pretty old school actually,and so far i managed to get 3 jobs with that resume!So thanks dad! :D 

My dad also always ask my siblings and I to do something so that at the end of the day we'd be able to learn something out of it. Like after SPM ,all of us were told by my dad to get a job after SPM ,my brother and sisters worked together as they were mostly same age while I worked alone.My first job was at Ingolf Kneife Restaurant.I learnt from that job that money doesnt come easy and we should value our money very much and that we should spend money on "things we need not want".

Another thing he taught us was when we went for a trip to Cambodia & Burma.I'll be honest I enjoyed Cambodia but really didn't like Burma.It was too dirty and I really have problem with dirty places.But one thing that I enjoy about the end-year trips that my parents always organised like to Australia as well is that we travel in a family since my brother and sisters are not in Penang and I'm always alone,I like it when we all get together..One big family reunion and during the trips to cambodia and burma,I learnt that I should be grateful for the life I have and should not complain because the people in Burma could live with no TV,Internet,a proper bathroom,cellphones,and all those other stuff that we all have and would complain if we did not have it.Because at the end of the day they are happy that they have each other and they live their life with no worries and burden even as their country is being controlled by the junta.It truly was an eye-opening experience for my whole family and I thank my dad for that lesson and i'll never forget at the end of our trip when we were all having dinner for the last time before we all part again for a respective home destination he said "Whatever you all saw here,remember and then apply it to your life and if you want to complain about your life next time,you should think twice first."

Thank you dad for the lessons and I hope you'll still continue teaching me cause i'm still very new in this part of my "adulthood" life but I know I can always come to you to get all my questions answered :) Again Happy Father's Day and I hope you have a great day with mum! I'll see you all soon! 



Friday 8 June 2012

Short Visit

Last Friday, my brother, Andre , stopped by Melbourne and so we went out for the whole day since i havent seen him since January.I started off the day by seeing him at the hotel he was staying at , and I had trouble finding it as the hotel had an entrance that was kinda like this.

It was so hidden till i couldnt find it and i actually walked past the hotel twice still not noticing it.Then I finally found his hotel with the help of my trusty iPhone!as my brother was still sleeping..but now i know a major landmark that i refer to next time he comes back to visit again which is this! 

There's like a huge Tiffany&Co just opposite his hotel and he couldn't tell me that..So after i found his hotel and waited for like half-an hour at the hotel lobby reading some magazines and constantly calling his room number waking him up and rushing him down because I was super hungry and i have thing where  

So he finally woke up,and showered and all that so we went down to eat breakfast at Hungry Jacks which is Burger King in a way.When we were there something embarrassing & funny occurred.It started off when we already bought our food and found a place to sit and we were already eating away our burgers(which had bacon in it <3 Australia ;P) and then my brother told me I can have his fried if i wanted to,as i finished mine cause i eat fries first before my burger!So then I was like okay!Then before i ate my burger,I had to take out the pickles out of it because pickles are just downright disgusting lets be honest.After taking them out my hand was covered with the sauce and pickle juice and we did not have any soviets on the table so i decided to go get some.After getting the soviets I sat down and then grab my burger.Before grabbing my burger I noticed it was wrapped up again and i thought my brother wrapped it back for me to make it warmer?god knows,then finally after so long i bite down on my first breakfast of the day,taking my first bite in a hurry like i havent eaten my whole life!I had that omg-jizz-burger-cheese-onion-mustard-tomato-bacon-beef feeling on my tastebuds then out of nowhere i felt pickle and it automatically cancelled out ALL THE HEAVENLY BURGER FEELINGS :( and I was like what the hell i thought and am sure that i took all the pickles out,all freaking 3 pickles(yes thats the amount of pickles they usually put on burgers at fast-food places,coursemates working there told me)and then as i started to pick them out again i started to hear someone saying "Adriel..Adriel".On that day i wasnt wearing my contact lenses and usually when I dont wear them i get really disorientated in the mornings.So I ignored the calls even didnt bother looking up because i was still trying to think how the pickles managed to go back in my burger then i heard someone snickering..right in front of me,and I was gonna ask my brother what was so funny then when i looked up,It wasnt my brother.It was a guy and my brother was beside the guys table that i took a bite off his burger(which was his friends burger who went to the toilet).My brother was beside the table laughing though it was more like trying to control his laughter but I could see he couldnt and the guy in front of me just burst out laughing.And I felt embarrassed and so very ashamed of myself.I apologize bought the guy another burger apologize again and again and again but the guy just kept laughing and gave the i-cant-believe-he did-that-look-but-damn-was-it-funny look and my brother as well.That was so damn embarrassing that even i laughed cause i couldnt believe what i did :)

So after having a good breakfast with plenty of laughs,We then headed for shopping as there was a sale happening cause winter had just arrived.We headed to Melbourne Central,my favourite place to shop because everything IS THERE.well everything that i want & need is haha,bought some shirts and saw some SUPRA shoes!SUPRA shoes are so cool,totally saving up for them.Also went inside ripcurl to enquire on the price of the bodyboards and wetsuits cause i'm really interested in that now!After that we had lunch at Melbourne Central food court and I got myself a Spaghetti Carbonara with bacon,mushrooms,herbs and loads of cheeeeeseeeeee :)

After that we walked around,my brother bought some shirts as well and then we went into a baby departmental store to buy my sister's baby girl a shoe and shirt as a "Welcome to the world baby Alissa gift" :) really cant wait to see her when my sister gives birth this monthhh!:) so excited.
After that we went to the DFO store near the casino to do more shopping but all the clothes there did no have my size at all.I saw some nice superdry shirts but all the sizes were like XL XXL which i cant wear at all.We had tea there as well..well more like hot chocolate drink

Very nice hot chocolate drink for the cold day,but still nothing can beat max brenner's hot chocolate drink :)

My brother 24/7 whatsapping his girlfriend,while i was busy taking picture of my hot chocolate drink #foreveralone :p

After that we went back to the hotel where i chilled for awhile after a tiring day and my brother brought me some instant noodles that Australia doesnt have!The maggi mee xtra pedas and milo,yes milo,Australia has milo but it is different,very different from the ones from Malaysia.After chilling for 2 hours I had to leave as my brothers was leaving at 9 so had to go home but i really did enjoyed my day with my brother who i missed and is the first family member i saw after a long time in Melbourne so it was a good day!:)

That's all for now and I'll be back soon,I swear this aint gonna be like wordpress :p