Friday 13 July 2012


Erskine Falls,Lorne

Last week I went on a short road trip with some friends to Lorne at the Great Ocean Road.It's a very quiet seaside town,very nice to relax and since its winter now,there isn't really much people there compared to when its summer where it'll be packed with surfers and people who wanna bask in the sun to get tanned.

Lorne is an hour drive away from the town I'm at so before starting our journey,we had some breakfast at a cafe called Panache.The speciality from this cafe are their crepes and it was good! I love having crepes for breakfast besides waffles and churros cause its not a too heavy and not too light kind of meal to have for breakfast which is good!

I ordered the chocolate overload crepes which basically is crepes with nutella inside( a lot of it ) and chocolate syrup spread on top and sprinkle with chocolate..and yes I LOVE CHOCOLATE :D best thing ever.I also had a hot chocolate drink.Pretty much a chocolatey breakfast I had!It was very good and the price was reasonable and the place was packed with people reading newspapers/books/magazines etc or people just sitting down having a chat on a cold rainy winter morning.The cafe gave out a very warm and cozy vibe which was very nice and I'd go back there for breakfast again next time!

After filing our stomachs with a good breakfast,we set course for Lorne!Throughout the journey, I slept as I didnt really sleep much the night before.When we finaly reached Lorne it was still raining but it was less now,more like a heavy drizzle.We walked around the town for awhile went to the beach and then went to Erskine Falls which is the waterfall in Lorne.It was kinda cold since it was raining so my hands were numb as hell but the waterfall was really nice and the enviroment around it was equally as nice!All the trees and the air felt so fresh!

After taking a few photos of the waterfall we headed back home and had a hearty lunch at Nandos before parting ways.It was a nice mini road trip and I'd do another one again whenever I'm free only I guess :/

7 days more!

Only 7 days left till the "most anticipated movie of the year" is released in cinemas across the whole world! I've been looking forward to this movie since I found out Christopher Nolan was doing another Dark Knight movie last year. When I heard that there was gonna be another Batman movie,I was so thrilled yet I was also  sad as this will be the last Dark Knight movie that will be done by Christopher Nolan,who in my opinion is a superb director and his version of Batman is probably the best ever among the other Batman directors.

I just wanna talk a little abit about what MAY happen in Dark Knight Rises.So everyone knows that this guy below is Bane the new bad-ass guy that Batman has to face in the new movie.
When I was younger and still watching cartoons,I remember how Cartoon Network always aired Batman:The Animated Series and most of the time Batman's nemesis would be Joker,Penguin,Riddler and Bane.Bane is one of Batman's nemesis who is both physically strong & intelligent.He is one of the few people that actually manage to decipher Batman's identity and also is the only one who managed to do break Batman's back and thus forcing Batman to retire from well pretty much being Batman.So after watching again and again the Dark Knight Rises trailer you can see that Bruce Wayne actually is using a walking cane to walk and was also on a wheelchair and also Bane defeating him and throwing his Batman mask on to the floor.So that's not a spoiler even though most people are saying like "The trailer is showing the whole movie already"Well no,it only showed people parts that everyone knows will happen but they never showed how Bruce is gonna overcome Bane when his back is broken.Will he build a Bat suit?Will he get a sidekick to help him out?(Robin/Nightwing)Will he die of his injury?Will there be another Batman?

So yea so many questions about the movie especially the character Joseph-Gordan Levitt is playing.Everyone knows JGL is playing John Blake but who the hell is John Blake?Could it be Christopher Nolan's version of a Robin?Or Nightwing?or Azarael?All these characters were Batman's sidekick but Azarael was the one who took up Batman's mantle when his back was broken by Bane and he built a suit to defeat Bane,actually killing him and then he went rogue and started killing other criminals which Batman would not normally do so in the Batman had to fight and defeat him after curing his back with some "magical powers".There is also a slight chance that John Blake is the new Batman who will take up Batman's mantle thinking Batman is dead (as Bruce was missing for awhile supposedly captured by Bane's men ) and going on to take Bane on.

Well all in all ,I really cannot wait to watch the movie and I know deep down it's gonna be a good movie regardless of whoever John Blake is! I know i'll enjoy it but I really feel like i'm gonna have the bittersweet feeling when going to watch the movie as I love the Batman movies and to think this is gonna be the last one till someone else reboots it after 10 years?is kinda sad!But hey its the 21st century! Blu-ray DVDs for the win!:) 

PS:i just need to survive 7 days more till this movie,if i die now(touchwood*) ill be a sad sad spirit :/